Mining has long been an industry the nation depends on. So
many of the things we depend on today originate from mines. That may be hard to
believe but think about it this way, “if it can’t be grown, it must be mined.”
This quote is used to sum up what mining is about. Mines provide the world with
raw materials that then produce the goods and energy we use and depend on every
day. You can’t grow our laptops, televisions, cell phones, jewelry, or
electrical wire. All of the components inside of these things use materials
that originated from mines. The electricity that we use to light our homes and
power cites comes from a black rock known as coal. Although it does not power
every home it still provides much of the world’s energy. Mining is even involved
with our agriculture and construction industries. Without mining, many
industries would be non-existent. In reality, much of the globe’s industries
are connected to mining in some fashion.
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